Thursday, September 18, 2008

Research Phase #2

After a tons of research on Dyslexia, I realized that a lot have been done regarding to the conditions itself. So, stepping away from the medical field, I am using Dyslexia to guide me through my project instead. So in light of Dyslexia, I am trying (Objective) to bridge the gap between Dyslexia and design.

There are two directions this problem can go:

1. Harness the definition of Dyslexia or what it means to be dyslexic. And how existing therapies or methodologies/thinking be useful to create tools for designers.


2. How design as communication medium helps dyslexics to understand the world?

Research expands from here on:
1. What therapies or methodologies are out there?
2. What defines a designer? What are the deficiencies?

Start thinking:
Assumptions of the world -- what's important in this world?
What ideas satisfy the above ideas?

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