Thursday, September 18, 2008

Refining the Idea

September 18,2008

Few main key discoveries from my research
  1. Language conditions how we think and learn. In most conventional education system, language is the vehicle to teach both concrete and abstract ideas. However, dyslexics use different channels (visual and auditory) to decode information. Since design is the medium to communicate to the world, how can design speak in a channel that dyslexics can understand?
  2. Dyslexia is different with different people. Thus, dyslexia is difficult to detect and sometimes, as a result, untreated.
  3. Dyslexia may be regarded as a “gift”. Dyslexics possess strengths in creativity, lateral-thinking, visual-spatial awareness and right-hemisphere dominant abilities.
Design Challenge (Problem):
How to create design channels that facilitate communication for both dyslexics and non-dyslexics?

Goals (hope to achieve):

  • To bridge the gap between Dyslexia and design
  • To create a tool or a standard that embraces Dyslexia and can be seen and understood by more people. To simultaneously facilitate efficient communication and promote awareness.
  • To promote awareness for early detection and treatment.
  • To redefine Dyslexia in the social and cultural contexts.
  • To encourage special educational systems for Dyslexics to pursue in communication design.

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