Thursday, December 11, 2008

Re-iterate My intention for my Grad Project

My Project: “Diagrammatic Novel”

A visual novel
Decoded narrative literature in forms of infographics and diagrams

1. To break the conventional ways of understanding and processing information
2. To create a tool or standard that not only can be used by Dyslexic, but also can be used to inspire creative individuals to apply more visual infographics for better communication in design in the future for both Dyslexics and non-dyslexics.


1. the tool for Dyslexics
2. the idea for the creative individuals to be inspired


Unknown said...

Hey! This is Jack. I was surfing around facebook and ended up here reading your design project.
It's awesome and looks like you put a lot of heart into it. Tho I'm not dyslexic nor a designer I found what you tried to convey easily understood.
Great job!

均琇均琇 said...

請繼續發表好文!加油加油加油! .................................................................